We are the NCMA's best (or maybe worst) kept secret!
The NCMA Rio Grande Chapter is small in numbers but has a very large footprint in the Contract Management profession. As they say in boxing ... we punch well abover our weight!
Welcome to the Rio Grande Chapter - the best kept secret in the National Contract Management Association. Our award winning chapter represents the Middle Rio Grande Valley including Albuquerque, Sandia National Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base, the Air Force Research Laboratory, and the National Nuclear Security Administration. Our members come from both government and industry. All are welcome at our chapter and we invite you to attend one of our Board meetings or a Chapter event listed below.

Chapter Newsletter

Check out this month's is the Rio Grande Chapter Newsletter compiled and edited by past National President, Treasurer, and communications Chair Gary Zura and Cynthia Jennings. While we email this to our members we will also publish a copy here for quick reference. Please send any feedback to president@ncmargc.org and I'll pass it along.

HOT, HOT, HOT. Free Virtual Training Event March 20th courtesy of NM APEX Accelerator!

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Coming March 20th courtesy of the NM APEX Accelerator. A presentation by Don Shannon of the Rio Grande Chapter siscussing the recent Executive Order 14222 and possible impacts on the NM GovCon community.
Registration is via the link in the flyer!

FAR Case 2017-016 Controlled Unclassified Information Published 1-15-25

The January 15th Federal Register includes a posting of the proposed rule for Non-Defense contractors covering Controlled Classified Information. (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2025/01/15/2024-30437/federal-acquisition-regulation-controlled-unclassified-information)

The proposed rule announces a new provision notifying offers of the need to provide protection for Controlled Unclassified Information in the resulting contract and two new clauses which will be added to 52.204.xx to add protection of CUI via implementing NIST SP 800-171 R2 for other than COTS items.

Those familiar with DFARS 252-204.7012 will find that the new FAR clauses essentially parallel that requirement. However, there is a departure currently with respect to third party verification of compliance which the Defense community covers via the CMMC requirement.

The proposed rule is out for comment at this time and interested parties or organizations are encouraged to read the proposed rule and submit comments as appropriate.

Suggestions for Event or Training

If you have suggestions for events or other activities please use the below form to contact us.

This is going to be a great year and we can't wait to share with you more details of the planned events. Keep track of upcoming events and Chapter activities here and on the chapter's web page on NCMA HQ.

Certification Preparation

Sign up NOW for CPCM Certification Study Group

The NCMA Rio Grande Chapter will be hosting a 2025 Certified Professional Contract Manager study group for those interested in advancing their career by obtaining NCMA's flagship certification. Details are in the below flyer. Use the Contact Form below to register your interest.
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Test your Knowledge

The NCMA Rio Grande Chapter also offers a number of study aids to our members including a free preview of what to expect on the certification exam. To try your luck simply click on the below button and you will be redirected to a site that will allow you three attempts to take and pass a very realistic simulation of the exam.

No obligation … no Junk email or mailing list enrollments … just a preview of what to expect. Try it for fun, try it for bragging rights, or use it to see where you need to study more.

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Upcoming Events

NCMA Nexus 2025

NCMA Nexus February 9 - 12 Long Beach CA
Nexus 2025 is where industry and government acquisition teams will shatter the “we’ve-always-done-it-this-way” mindset. Come tackle, dismantle, and improve outdated processes and engage in open and unfiltered dialogue. Earn CPE/CLE credits while rethinking the status quo.

Chapter Membership Meetings

A general chapter membership meeting event is being planned for Q1 of 2025. Please watch this site and your email for further information.

Board Meetings

Our monthly meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30. These meetings will be hybrid meetings as Board Members can elect to join via Zoom or in-person. The monthly Zoom information was setup for recurring meetings so the Zoom information provided below will be consistent for this program year.

In-person meetings at Verus Research, which is located at 6100 Uptown Blvd NE, Albuquerque - 7th floor.

    Contact Form